HR interview Questions and Answers

HR Interview Questions and Answers with Examples
Best way to answer frequently asked HR Interview Questions for Fresher on Questions like Tell me about yourself, Why should we hire you, your strengths and weaknesses, how to handle challenging situation, your hobbies and interests, inspiring person in your life, change management, flexibility, Why do you want to work for us, about the company,
expectations from your first job etc. Before we start, remember that, in a HR interview, there is no right or wrong answer. All you have is a right way of answering, but the answer in itself depends on the candidate. 

What is HR interview?
HR interview more often, is not a selection process, but a short listing process, where few of the selected candidates from previous rounds are weeded out. So more than concentrating on getting selected, one should be focused on NOT getting rejected.First few minutes are very important and so does the first few questions. The interviewers do not know anything about you. The impression you make in the first few questions, is going to set tone for the entire session and plays a huge factor

Let us split up the questions into few categories, which will be
About yourself
About your strength
About your weakness